Before making a booking, please read our usage policy, booking instructions and cancellation policy below, or download our booking information document.
New for 2024!
Single nights bookable in January, February, November and December
only £250 per night
Select the type of booking you would like to make:
Use the tabs to select hourly booking or camping options. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found below.
Searching Availability...
Paxmead is open to members of Girlguiding, Scouting, and other organized groups with permission for residential stays and day bookings.
The site is open exclusively to members of Girlguiding and the Scout Association for evening bookings unless written permission is provided by the management committee.
Paxmead accommodation is solely reserved for Girlguiding groups during the week and weekends either side of the May Half Term and the first two weeks of the School Summer Holidays based on Surrey County Council’s School Term and Holiday Dates. At all other times Paxmead is open to other groups.
Bookings from members of the General Public or by family groups of a Girlguiding member will only be considered if they pay a premium fee to reserve the entire site. Written permission for any such booking will be provided by the management committee.
All adults staying overnight are required to have completed an Enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service), Access NI or Disclosure Scotland clearance through the organisation they are attending with.
Other than Assistance Dogs, no dogs are allowed on site.
For Girlguiding events/users:
For events involving an overnight stay someone in the event leadership team must hold, or be working towards, the relevant modules of the Going Away With Scheme. Approval must be gained from their Commissioner as per the current Girlguiding policies.
For non-Girlguiding events/users:
The hirer must protect Girlguiding Surrey West against all losses while they are using Paxmead. This includes damage to the site or to any property belonging to the owners and against all claims made by any person for personal injury or loss of or damage to any other property arising out of the hiring and caused by the negligent act, error or omission of the hirer, or the servants or agents, or members or guests of the hirer.
The hirer must take out and maintain an insurance policy covering third party liability, including all liabilities referred to above, for a limit of indemnity of not less than £5,000,000 (five million pounds) in force for the period of hiring, and must produce proof of the policy on request to any authorised officer of Girlguiding.
- Bookings can only be made if you are 18 years or older.
- The website shows AVAILABILITY and provisional bookings can be made via the online booking system; this does not guarantee a booking.
- The BOOK NOW tab shows the prices based on minimum occupancy rates for the selected dates if guest numbers are unknown. Guest numbers can be altered by the user to obtain an accurate quote if numbers are known.
- To book day visits, evening visits or for special requests please submit an enquiry form.
- Provisional bookings can be made by selecting the BOOK NOW button for the required accommodation.
- On the CREATE BOOKING page, guests can choose to request any additional services (i.e., equipment and activities) and can review the payments before completing the form and submitting the request by using the CONTINUE button.
Booking Confirmation
- In 3 working days – we will confirm if we can accept your booking.
- We require payment within 2 weeks to secure the booking
- Bookings are confirmed once the non-refundable deposit has been received; late or no payment will result in automatic cancellation of a booking request.
- Payments can be made via BACS, credit card or cheque. Details of ways to pay will be emailed to you with the Booking ID which should be used as a reference.
- Bookings made within 4 weeks of the arrival date must be paid in full to confirm the booking.
- Bookings made in advance of 4 weeks of the arrival date will be subject to a deposit of 30% of the minimum occupancy rate or for the number of guests booked for the accommodation/site.
Bookings can be amended by replying to any of the received emails at any time prior to 6 weeks before the arrival date.
Addition of guests or services may result in an additional payment being requested. Any changes resulting in the quote being reduced will automatically be handled by the system and any future payment amounts adjusted. No refunds will be given to any changes/amendments made to bookings within 6 weeks of the arrival date unless cancellation is by Girlguiding Surrey West.
It is the guest’s responsibility to arrange appropriate insurance against cancellation or curtailment.
Any breach to the terms and conditions listed above may result in your booking being cancelled; no refunds will be given.
Cancellations by the You (the Guest/Hirer)
Cancellations of confirmed bookings must be received by us in writing (email or post) and will incur a cancellation fee:
- More than 12 weeks prior to the arrival date – any monies paid, which includes deposits.
- Non-arrival or cancellation 12 weeks or less from date of arrival – the full cost as per your booking quote.
Cancellations by the Us (Girlguiding Surrey West)
If Girlguiding Surrey West should cancel your booking for any reason then you will be refunded in full any monies paid, including the deposit, within 28 days.
If Girlguiding Surrey West should cancel your booking of any additional services for any reason, then you will be refunded in full any monies paid related to the additional services within 28 days.
The Guest (Hirer) will not receive compensation for any cancellation other than the refund of fees paid.
Data Protection: your data will be held on a Third-Party booking system ‘Checkfront’, which can be accessed by the County Office, members of the Paxmead Management Committee and Wardens. Your data will only be used in relation to your booking.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Please use the correct category link above (Residential, Hourly Booking or Camping) to check availability. By chosing available dates you will be able to request to book.
When you request a booking you are not required to pay online. When your request has been approved you will be sent details of how to pay. This can be online (by card), by BACS (preferred) or by sending a cheque.
Cheques should be made out to:
Girlguiding Surrey West
Please send to:
Paxmead Riverside Base
Dockett Eddy Lane
TW17 9NT
Due to limited space, we cannot always accommodate groups camping on-site when the Residential Accommodation is booked. If you would like to camp at the weekend, please contact the office and we can discuss if this is a possibility:
Due to the weather, boating is only available for residential groups between May and October. Please be aware that boating is subject to the availability of volunteer instructors.
The residential accommodation has a price per night to cover our costs. If you would like access before the standard arrival time, please contact us about our hourly rate for early arrival:
Early arrival may be possible if there is no booking before yours. We have an hourly rate for early arrival, please contact us to make arrangements:
Departures are by 12:00pm during school holidays
By 16:00 for Sundays during term time
You can cancel your booking subject to the following conditions:
More that 12 weeks: all monies paid, including deposit are non-refundable
Less than 12 weeks: full payment is required.